The Definition Of Degenerate

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Patient discussion about degenerate

Q. Is bipolar degenerative? Does it get worse with age? What can I do with this? Is bipolar degenerative? Does it get worse with age? I am with type II but I get in to severe depression at times. My mania is in short spurts but increasing in intensity. What can I do with this?

Bad or worse in quality or character, or (of a person) morally bad: He was a lazy, degenerate young man. (Definition of degenerate from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University. Definition of Degenerate. To fall below a certain level of quality. Examples of Degenerate in a sentence. Without any maintenance, the once grand house began to degenerate into a rundown mansion. 🔊 Everyone expects the divorce negotiations to degenerate into a screaming match between the couple.

A. Thank you for sharing your experience richguys... I hope that you find a treatment soon that eleviates the symptoms you have been experiencing... I'll be thinking about you.

Q. Is degenerative disc disease and arthritis the same thing? My husband was recently in a auto accident at work. They did a CT Scan of his head and neck. The doctor said that the CT Scan found that he has arthritis in his neck. After receiving the report ourselves to take to another doctor it reads: 'There is minimal early degenerative disc disease with osteophyte formation predominately at C5-6. ' My husband never had a problem with his neck before the accident

A. I was suffering from pain for 2 years and undergoing numerous test for causes when a trip to a neurologist for migraines gave me an answer. FINALLY! This was in July of this year so I am still learning and finding out about fibromyalgia but I do know in the last couple of years there has been a greater acceptance BUT there are still a lot of doctors not being supportive (from experience and talking with others) and the public in general can be unaccepting b/c you look healthy, seem to be healthy and they can not understand why you are in pain that 'can't be explained!' I encourage suffers of fibro to find support within their peers! it really helps to talk to people that understand! That's what brought me to this site to start with and I am so glad I found it!

Q. I am interested in information on working with fibromyalgiaI am having problems just coping at home! I have had 2 c-spine surgeries in 2 years, have degenerative disc disease, maigrains with nuurological tendencies, fatigue, deppression and fibromyalgia. I can't stand for long , sit for long, just making it through my daily life is stressful enough how do people manage to work? I have been off since August of last year but wan to feel well enough so I can return to the working world, Any suggestions? Tried Lyrica, doctor took me off the side affects for me were terrible!

A. I had a cervical spinal fusion, C4-5,C5-6 and a SLAP repair of my left shoulder. Initially after the fusion the headaches and tinlging went away and then 4 months later, while in a PT work conditioning prorgam, the headaches returned, along with nausea, vomiting and vertigo. My doctor basically ignored the symptoms for the last 5 months and I was finally referred to a neurologist who is treating me with Lyrica and Imitrex. The side effects are brutal and it has come done to living with the headaches and other symptoms vs. living in a fog unable to function. I have come to realize that there is no magic 'fix' and all the meds mask the stymptoms temporarily but it's a tradeoff when you consider the side effects and possible long term health issues from meds such as Lyrica that have no research as far as long term health conditions. I found a natural remedy called Headache Free and I'm giving it a try.....good luck because I know exactly how debilitative these symptoms are
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What A Degenerate


dɪd͡ʒˈɛnəɹˌe͡ɪt], dɪd‍ʒˈɛnəɹˌe‍ɪt], d_ɪ_dʒ_ˈɛ_n_ə_ɹ_ˌeɪ_t]
What is the definition of degenerate
  • unrestrainedbyconventionormorality; 'Congreve draws adebauchedaristocraticsociety'; 'deplorablydissipatedanddegraded'; 'riotousliving'; 'fastwomen'
  • apersonwhosebehavior deviates fromwhatisacceptableespeciallyin sexual behavior
2006- WordNet 3.0
By Princeton University
  • unrestrainedbyconventionormorality; 'Congreve draws adebauchedaristocraticsociety'; 'deplorablydissipatedanddegraded'; 'riotousliving'; 'fastwomen'
  • apersonwhosebehavior deviates fromwhatisacceptableespeciallyin sexual behavior
2011- English Dictionary Database
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
  • Havingbecomeworsethan one's kind, or one's formerstate; havingdeclinedinworth; havinglostingoodness; deteriorated; degraded; unworthy; base; low.
  • Tobeorgrowworsethan one's kind, orthanonewasoriginally; hence, tobeinferior; togrow poorer, meaner, ormorevicious; todeclineingood qualities; todeteriorate.
2010- New Age Dictionary Database
By Oddity Software
  • Havingbecomeworsethan one's kind, or one's formerstate; havingdeclinedinworth; havinglostingoodness; deteriorated; degraded; unworthy; base; low.
  • Tobeorgrowworsethan one's kind, orthanonewasoriginally; hence, tobeinferior; togrow poorer, meaner, ormorevicious; todeclineingood qualities; todeteriorate.
1913- Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

The Definition Of Degenerate Code

By Noah Webster.
  • Tobeorgrowworse; todecline; tobecomeinferioringoodnessorquality; deteriorate.
  • Ofalowgradeof morals; deteriorated; degraded; as, degenerate offspring.
  • Apersonororganismthathasbecomeworsethanitskind; apersonoflow morals.
  • Degenerately.
1919- The Winston Simplified DictionaryThe
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
  • Degenerately.
  • Tobecomeworse; decline; deteriorate.
  • Deteriorated; degraded.
  • A deteriorated ordegradedindividual.
  • Degenerateness.
1919- The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
By James Champlin Fernald
  • Degeneration.
  • Havingdeclinedinworth; weak; base.
  • Tosinktoalowerstate; declineinworth.
1894- The Clarendon dictionary
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
  • Tofallfromahigherandbetterphysicalor moral type; todecayingood qualities; topassfromagoodtoabadstate.
1914- Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language
By Nuttall, P.Austin.
  • Tobecomeworse; todecayingood qualities; todeclineinvirtue.
  • Thathasfallenfromagoodtoaworsestateorcondition; base; mean; fallen.
1874- Etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language
By Stormonth, James, Phelp, P. H.

The Best Definition Of Degenerate

  • Onewho shows deviationfromthenormaltypeinmental attributes; deviate, abetterterm, sincetherearehighandlow deviates, hencesuperiortoorinferiortonormal. [Lat.]
1916- Appleton's medical dictionary
What a degenerateBy Smith Ely Jelliffe
  • Unlikehis ancestors; unworthy, base.
1790- A Complete Dictionary of the English Language
By Thomas Sheridan


What Is The Definition Of Degenerate

  • See Sirocco.

The Definition Of Degenerate

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  • degenerate